Monday, May 07, 2007

May Blitz and thoughts about community

It happens every May. Thus, I am no longer surprised when our family schedule goes into overdrive for the month of May (and, really, April as well). Besides trying to finish the school year well, we are enjoying baseball, music exams, spring recitals and plays for our own children and the children of friends, graduations, swing dance parties, birthday parties, going away parties, welcome back dinners, picnics with friends before the hot summer weather sets in, and ..."can't we get together with ______--it will be the last time that we see them before they travel!"

And while I do miss the slower pace of a quieter life ( I have had to crawl in bed on an afternoon or two and pull the covers up over my head for a survival nap) I realized this week why the temporary busyness was necessary and, even desirable and enjoyable: community. In the fullness of our daily schedule it is easy for me to view extra trips out of the home as merely added spring activity, however the reality is that each of these "activities" is connected with relationships that are dear to us and/or relationships that we are building in the community. How I thank God for his faithfulness to our children and to the children of friends when I see them receive the honor of Eagle Scout or graduate from high school. What a joy it is to visit with friends, old and new, at the ball-field on Fridays. We truly have much to be thankful for as we enjoy the communities of people in which God has placed us.

Of course, we couldn't possibly keep up this pace all year round, but we will enjoy it for now. As for June, I do look forward to some quieter days. In my house. Maybe with the shutters closed--just for a day or two.

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