Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Dorm Sweet Home

Being on the road as I was throughout the last half of August, I did miss Active Son's move back to college, but Dear Husband and Artist Son were on hand for the assist. I was later able to visit Active Son in his dorm room at Boise State, where he works as a Resident Advisor, and was gratified to experience the immaculate and organized state of his room. He has a definite Middle Eastern motif going on, with the kaffiyahs (headscarves) draped over the heater and microwave, and Arabic Scripture (to the right of his head) and the Jordanian flag on his wall.

The poster over his bed shows a scene from a Jordanian spice souk. Dorm sweet home. I like the soccer by the head of his bed. First things first.

I asked Dear Husband to PLEASE take a  picture of  The Brothers before they went their separate ways to college and he remembered (!)  They're looking good with their off-to-college haircuts, especially since they went to an Iraqi barber who knows how to give a good haircut, Middle Eastern style.

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