Monday, May 18, 2015

Gone Quiltin'

I'm enjoying a flurry of creative projects this month, which have taken up hours of time. I'm not complaining as I find the that I am most energetic and hopeful when I am creating. I've finished 41 of the 48 squares needed for  Tayta's college quilt. I should be able to begin assembling them sometime later this week. Meanwhile, they are laid out on floor of a seldom-used-room of our house.

Besides the quilt, I have been processing my 2016 Wildflowers of Jordan calendar, which was printed last week, and I've been working on creating a line of cards which features images of flowers and other scenes around Jordan. Those will (hopefully) be in market by the end of May. Oh, yes, and Tatya and I are completing our last three weeks of high school education. It is a daily duty to stay focused on the goal!