Though Oldest daughter and I were in sort of residual shape from our tri-weekly running schedule pre-audition trip, we had just resumed running a couple of weeks before the race. So, we definitely weren't in tip-top shape, but we were all able to complete the run without walking and in just over an hour.
My real motivation was ending Oldest Daughters pre-college fitness training on a positive and accomplished note. My, and especially Dear Husband's, goal for our kids is that they will head off into life with the desire and ability to lead a healthy life, of which physical fitness will necessarily play a part. To that end, the kids have learned to do daily exercises and we run, during the school year, three times a week. The running has never been a favorite part of Oldest Daughter's life, and that is putting it mildly. Dear Husband has, not so secretly, desired that Oldest Daughter discover her "Inner Athlete" and I think that participating in the Dead Sea 10K helped her to do it. "That really wasn't too hard," and "That was kind of fun," were words she actually spoke after running the race!
"inner athlete"! LOL. Congratulations to you both.
Way to go ladies! I'm very impressed!
Congratulations on your marathon run!
Sorry to hear about your beautiful foxglove (and the paint thinner) and the patch of daisies. Don't give up on planting flowers ... maybe next year.
I don't know if you have ever visited my blog, but I write mostly about books. I think you would enjoy reading my favorite children's book: "Miss Rumphius." I wrote about it last year:
It's a picture book intended for the younger set, but I love it even though I didn't discover it until my own children were grown and gone. The illustrations are gorgeous and very evocative. Miss Rumphius became known as the Lupine Lady because she beautified the world by planting lupines everywhere.
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