Thursday, May 16, 2013

Artist Son's Birth Day

May 16, 1994 was Artist Son's due date, but with no imminent signs of labor, Dear Husband cautiously proceeded with his plans to spend the day in the northern city of Irbid, about one and a half hours from Amman. A neighbor and dear friend was standing by to watch Oldest Daughter (4) and Active Son (2) should I need to go to the hospital. It was lovely May afternoon, the children were playing here and there, in the house, and in the garden, and I was stationed in the kitchen, my in-between house and garden world, as I often was these days. What better time to prepare a large pot of fasulia--green been, beef , garlic, and tomato stew--a favorite family dish which I prepared more often in the spring when the green beans are fresh and tender.

I recall stirring the stew and calling Dear Husband when I felt my first mild I-think-that-might-have-been-a-contraction. Maybe. Given my previous labor experiences, that was enough to bring Dear Husband back to Amman posthaste.

I can't remember if I called my doctor before or after Dear Husband arrived home, but either way we headed to the hospital together to meet him. At this point I still hadn't really had many contractions but the nurses in the labor room confirmed that yes, Artist Son would be arriving soon.

At this point my doctor entered the labor room to inform us that there was no room for us in the inn, and if I stayed at this hospital  I would have to recover and possibly sleep in the labor room, and all this without my baby by my side after his delivery. He had done some checking, and there was a suite available at a neighboring hospital, the new maternity hospital, so we made the easy decision to go there. I was already "dressed" for delivery, so had to redress in my street clothes, after which Dear Husband and I walked the three blocks to the alternate hospital and checked in.

Artist Son was born a couple hours later, troubling me with only a handful of mild contractions before the big ones took over and quickly brought him into the world.

Artist Son in his flannel hospital gown

Upon looking through our photo album, I see that we're improving a bit in documenting our children's arrivals in photographs...

...and we even managed a family photo in which it appears we did our best to look nice. 

Artist Son's nineteenth birthday finds him traveling between his two worlds, from Gordon College in Massachusetts where he has just completed his freshman year, home to us in Jordan. Homecoming preparations are underway and we so look forward to his unique presence among us again. Happy Birthday, Artist Son! We thank God for you and for all the ways in which you are a blessing to each one of us, and to our family. Godspeed! Tayta will have your birthday tiramisu waiting.


Pictoria said...

Loved hearing this story! Almost not a teen anymore...

Lori said...

Yay for having babies, and college kids coming home, and tiramisu, and for that great boy of yours!!

Heather said...

Loved hearing these details and your joy in welcoming him home yet again.